The Red Spruce Wind Energy Project is a proposed renewable energy facility with a total capacity of up to 108.8 MW. The project will be comprised of turbines with a nameplate capacity between 5.9 to 7.2 MW. The facility would be located on privately-held land in Hants (east) county, east of Beaverbank Road.
The project is being developed through a partnership with First Nation communities and SWEB Development LP (SWEB Energy), a North American subsidiary of W.E.B. Group.
The following project specific information was provided since the inception of the project in 2021. However, projects of this nature evolve over the course of their development. Consequently, please be advised that the most recent project specific information will be uploaded here as it becomes available, starting with the newest information available
2020 – Onward
Stakeholder Engagement
2021 – 2024
Environmental Assessment
2021 – 2025
Local Permitting
2022 – 2023
Green Choice Program Due Diligence and Bid Submission
Power Purchase Agreement
2026 – 2027
Proposed Construction Period
Proposed Commercial Operation Date
During the last procurement round, the project committed to provide specific benefits for underrepresented groups, including First Nations, women working in the renewable energy sector, and African Nova Scotians. The Proponent has previously partnered with Glooscap First Nation (GFN) on this project and also worked with Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE) and Scotian Winds of Change (WoC) to provide additional benefits to the underrepresented groups. Project-specific benefits will be developed to meet the unique needs of the community and underrepresented groups as part of the project's participation in the Green Choice Program.